What is Race?
It is generally accepted, as a result of scientific study, that our human species - often called Homo Sapiens Sapiens - evolved from a more primitive species. Our species - like other living species on this planet - is divided into distinct types, called races, which are distinguished from each other by both their external appearance and their nature. Furthermore, these distinct types have evolved over long periods of time. That is, one of the ways in which Nature - in which life on this planet - works is to produce diversity and difference.
Thus, cats have evolved into different types, which differ in both their external appearance and in their nature, even though all cats have the nature of a cat. For instance, a tiger has the nature of a tiger, and the lion the nature of a lion: they behave differently in many situations, even though their general behaviour is that of a cat.
Hence, race is an expression, a manifestation, of Nature: it expresses and explains to us how Nature works.
What applies to other species of life applies to us, as human beings, since we are part of Nature. That is, our human species has evolved into distinct races which possess different natures. These differing natures have been, and are, expressed - made manifest - in the different cultures, the different ways of living, which have existed and which exist. In a very important way, culture expresses the distinct "view of the world", the distinct way of life, spiritual attitude, and ethos, of a particular people or race.
Is Race Important?
Folk Culture believes race to be important because Folk Culture is a modern manifestation of the will of Nature: it seeks to understand, explain and make manifest in the world, the reality of Nature and what is necessary for us to live in harmony with Nature.
Folk Culture believes that it is necessary and desirable to not only keep our natural diversity, but also to work in an honourable and natural way to extend this diversity: that is, to enhance it in a positive, evolutionary, way. Essentially, Folk Culture seeks to respect Nature - to work in partnership with Nature - accepting as Folk Culture does that we, as human beings, as part of Nature, depend upon Nature and must strive to live in harmony with Nature if we wish to fulfil our purpose in life.
Furthermore, Folk Culture understands this further evolution of our human species - in a way which is in harmony with Nature - as our natural, and unique, human Destiny.
Hence, we believe that our wonderful human diversity of culture, of people, should be treasured in the same way many people today seek to treasure the diversity of other life on this planet.
Of course, many people today ignore their own culture, their own traditions, their own heritage, their own race, for a variety of reasons, some political, some personal. Thus, such people, for whatever reason, may ignore race and culture, as many will marry outside of their own race. And that is their choice, although we believe such a choice to be wrong because by doing this such people are destroying what Nature has created and evolved.
All we who uphold Folk Culture say is that we seek to do what we believe is right, what is natural, and what we believe is in accord with our true human nature and our very purpose as both human individuals and members of the human species. Thus it is our choice to strive to conserve and further evolve our own unique way of life, our own culture, and our own race, believing as we do that race, as a natural creation of Nature, should be treasured as we strive to treasure the other creations of Nature.
Hence we seek to build new communities where we can live and work in harmony in Nature, among our own people, and where we can dedicate our lives to aiding Nature by striving to better ourselves in accord with our culture, our ethos: our traditions and unique way of life.